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Weather Policies
If lightning is within 10+/- miles of the location/facility all patrons will need to exit the pool (competition pool only) and seek shelter indoors. There will be a 30-minute delay from the most recent lightning strike and resets after each strike.
- All weather is monitored by staff using the various weather platforms.
If the Pool water temperature is below 70 degrees, the pool will close until the temperature has risen.
If the outdoor temperature is 70+/- degrees, the pool will close until the temperature increases.
Recreation/Outdoor Events:
If lightning is within 10- 20 miles of the location/facility all patrons will be informed by the supervisor/official.
If lightning is within 0- 9 miles of the location/facility all patrons will need to end play and seek shelter. There will be a 30-minute delay from the most recent lightning strike and resets after each strike.
Games will be cancelled if the anticipated delay is more than 2 hours. The scheduling site will be updated with the revised schedule if a game is canceled or postponed.
Recreation/Outdoor Events:
Heat Index between 81- 98 degrees- Participants are in very little danger from heat and no special measures will be taken.
Heat Index between 99- 105 degrees- Each player must have water to be allowed to play. Coach-monitored water break required for catchers during each half inning. Coaches should instruct all players to say hydrated and take frequent breaks.
Heat Index between 106- 115 degrees- Each player must have water to be allowed to play. Coach-monitored water break required for ALL players during each half inning. Coaches should instruct all players to say hydrated and take frequent breaks. Game lengths will be shortened by 15 minutes.
Heat Index above 115 degrees- All games will be cancelled until heat index is below 115. Notifications will be given to coaches and throughout schedule site.
Above 40 degrees- Full activity, no restrictions.
39- 20 degrees- Stay adequately hydrated. Coaches will be notified if there is a threat of cold-related illness. Coaches and players should wear layers of clothing.
19- 10 degrees- Stay adequately hydrated. Coaches will be notified if there is a threat of cold-related illness. Coaches and players should wear layers of clothing. Cover head and neck to prevent heat loss. Games will be shortened by 5 minutes.
Below 9 degrees: Stay adequately hydrated. Coaches will be notified if there is a threat of cold-related illness. Coaches and players should wear layers of clothing. Cover head and neck to prevent heat loss. Games will be shortened by 5 minutes. We will consider postponing or cancelling all games.
Winter Weather
If there is winter weather that affects travel (i.e. icy/snowy roads) the ESCC may do the following:
Delay the opening of the center and cancel all morning Group-X classes & Child Watch.
Evaluate road conditions and cancel morning/evening Group-X classes & Child Watch if necessary.
Close the center for the day.
In the event of a tornado warning in Clay County ESCC staff will announce the warning over the intercom. All occupants of the facility will be instructed to take shelter downstairs in the locker rooms. Families and young children may take shelter in the cabanas. Children who are checked into Child Watch will be escorted by staff to the cabanas. Parents may check children out from Child Watch staff only after attendance is taken in the designated shelter. We encourage everyone to stay in the shelter until the warning has lifted. ESCC staff will announce when the warning has lifted.
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