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Homeschool Programming

Homeschool PE and Art

Join us for 10 weeks of Physical Education and Art for your

homeschool students aged 5- 18! 



10 weeks PE only: $70 per child

10 weeks Art only: $70 per child

10 weeks for both: $120 per child 

Single drop-in fee for PE only: $10 per child

There is a 10% discount for additional students in the same household. 


Program can include the following programs

  • Functional Body Movement: includes basic introduction to movements including jumping, landing, pushing, pulling, rolling, twisting, weight transfer/balance, curling, and stretching. 

  • Swim Classes include stroke development and aquatic workouts. 

  • Dance and Aerobics classes.

  • Kicking sports including but not limited to Soccer and Kickball. 

  • Hand Sports including but not limited to Volleyball, Basketball, Football, and Wall Ball

  • Object Striking Sports including but not limited to Baseball, Pickleball, Tennis, and Racquetball.




Winter Session 2025

Registration: TBD

​Dates: TBD

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