Fitness Programs
Walking Women
Walking Women is designed for mothers and caretakers of young children looking for moderate exercise while socializing. This class is ideal for pregnant women and women with stroller aged children. Put on your walking shoes and come make some new “fitness-mom-friends”!
We will meet in front of the building for a warm-up/stretch.
We walk approximately 2 miles outdoors (weather permitting) or indoors on the walking track, followed by a cool-down/stretch.
We encourage you to bring your child(ren) in strollers, carriers, or wraps to increase the intensity of the workout - or take a break from the kids and come solo.
Aqua Kids
Enjoy this kids exclusive class one day only! Great for ages 5- 15 years that can swim on their own comfortably.
Child must pass the swim test or wear a life jacket if the parent is not present.
The slide will be open after class.
FREE for members and non-members.
All swimmers must check in at the front desk before heading to class.
Takes place the first Friday of each month. Click here for details of all upcoming events.
Family Workout
Families are welcome to join in for a fun, dynamic workout where each class offers a new experience! This class is led by Yolanda, a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor.
All ages and fitness abilities welcome!
You do not need to be a "family" to participate! We are all family!
FREE for members and non-members.
All participants must check in at the front desk before heading to class.
Takes place the first Saturday of each month. Click here for details of all upcoming events.